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100 Day's Of Cybersecurity - Day 8


Understanding Security Identifiers (SIDs) in Active Directory

Security Identifiers (SIDs) play a crucial role in Windows Server’s Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). SIDs are unique alphanumeric strings that represent security principals such as users, groups, and computers within a Windows domain. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of SIDs and delve into some of the commonly encountered SIDs.

What is a Security Identifier (SID)?

A Security Identifier (SID) is a unique identifier that is assigned to each security principal in a Windows environment. It is a fundamental component of the security infrastructure and is used to control access to resources, validate user accounts, and manage permissions.


Commonly Encountered SIDs

Well-known SIDs

Well-known SIDs are predefined and have the same value on all Windows systems. Here are some well-known SIDs:

Table 1: Well-known SIDs

S-1-0Null SID
S-1-1World SID
S-1-2Local SID
S-1-3Creator Owner SID
S-1-4Creator Group SID
S-1-5NT Authority SID

Built-in Domain SIDs

Built-in domain SIDs are used to represent built-in domain groups and users. Here are some examples:

Table 2: Built-in Domain SIDs

S-1-5-11Authenticated Users SID
S-1-5-32-544Administrators SID
S-1-5-32-545Users SID
S-1-5-32-546Guests SID

Object-specific SIDs

Object-specific SIDs are generated for individual objects in the Active Directory. For example:

Table 3: Object-specific SIDs

S-1-5-21--500Domain Administrator SID
S-1-5-21--512Domain Users SID
S-1-5-21--515Domain Computers SID


Understanding Security Identifiers (SIDs) is essential for managing security in a Windows Server environment. Whether dealing with well-known SIDs, built-in domain SIDs, or object-specific SIDs, each identifier plays a critical role in controlling access and permissions.

For more detailed information and a comprehensive list of SIDs, refer to the official Microsoft documentation.

Remember, proper SID management is crucial for maintaining a secure and well-organized Active Directory environment. Stay informed, and ensure that your Windows Server is configured with optimal security practices.

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